Empowering Inclusivity and Innovation in Content Publishing

12 to 14, March 2024   |   Booth 7E50

Meet us at the London Book Fair 2024

Be a part of the London Book Fair (LBF)—the global gathering point for the publishing community, fostering relationships, gaining insights, and shaping the future of creative content. Visit us at the IPG Collective Stand 7E50, and we will be happy to present our traditional and digital publishing expertise, all combined with technology, and the whole suite of our end-to-end content services available to delight all stakeholders. For editorial, production, and accessibility excellence, plus Nvcleus—an AI-led automation workflow platform—talk to Amnet.

Our Services:

Meet Your Publishing Goals with Amnet

At this global stage for publishers, we look forward to meeting you and discussing our comprehensive range of content and accessibility solutions that can help you achieve your business objectives. During the meeting, we can provide you with more information about our business offerings: content and editorial, content production, content accessibility, and content technology.

Discover More  on our solution of Amnet

From traditional services, including copyediting to content development, editorial office, and more, our experienced team is on hand. Choose your level of assistance for high-quality and cost-effective support.

Our wide range of production services includes digital conversion and composition, facilitating multiple file outputs such as eBooks, eLearning, and print on demand (POD). We work with clients to improve processes and enhance the publishing experience.

Amnet provides born-accessible content and remediates existing content for accessibility and compliance, ensuring digital equality in line with regulatory standards. We enable digital equality in compliance with regulatory standards such as ADA, WCAG, Section 508, and EN 301 549. Amnet is also a Benetech-certified EPUB conversion vendor.

We apply leading technology principles to provide a seamless publishing experience in a single framework. A series of purpose-driven services delivers our technology to any product, whether it’s a journal, book, or magazine. If your publishing platform is not fit for purpose or you have accessibility goals but no plans or your current publishing processes are frustrating, with manual, time-consuming, and repetitive tasks, then talk to Amnet!

Nvcleus Publishing Simplified

Nvcleus, from Amnet, provides the tools to succeed in a digital-first world; it's a platform for collaboration and automation streamlines connections between content producers. Single source and open source technologies, combined with AI-led automation, underpin intuitive workflows to assist authors, editors, reviewers, and production teams.

Discover More  on Nvcleus Publishing Simplified

Nvcleus Journals automates author, publisher, and peer review processes, allowing collaboration on a single version of the document to maintain integrity, thus streamlining otherwise fragmented systems. Our revolutionary platform is designed to provide your organization with an innovative and advanced solution for journal submission and delivery.

Nvcleus Books is an industry-first, web-based book editing and production tool, offering an end-to-end customizable publishing workflow management solution that reduces time to market. From styling, reviewing, and proofreading to typesetting and production, gain control over the entire publishing process.

Schedule an Appointment

Feel free to visit our stand at any time, we'd love to meet you!